In Saudi Arabia, the term of the institutional quarantine has been reduced
Anyone who has taken the full dose of the country’s approved vaccine before entering Saudi Arabia does not have to stay in the official quarantine in Saudi Arabia. On the other hand, those who have not received the full dose of the vaccine have to stay in the institutional quarantine for 7 days after arriving in Saudi Arabia. However, this time the Saudi Arabian government has relaxed the period of stay in the official quarantine.
According to the latest guidelines issued by the Saudi Civil Aviation Authority on Monday, those who have not received a full dose of one of the vaccines approved in Saudi Arabia or have received a full dose of vaccines that are not approved by Saudi Arabia but approved by the World Health Organization will return to Saudi Arabia. The day does not have to be in institutional quarantine. It has been informed that instead of 6 days, formal quarantine will be done for 5 days from now.
This means that those who have received one of the vaccines approved in Saudi Arabia from Bangladesh or have completed the Synoform / Synovac vaccine dose, will have to take an institutional quarantine package to come to Saudi Arabia. According to the new announcement, this time the institutional quarantine will have 5 days instead of 7 days. As a result, the cost of institutional quarantine is expected to come down a bit.
The first Covid test will be completed within the first 24 hours of stay in Quarantine and the second test will be completed on the fifth day. If you are negative in the test, you can be released from the hotel. The new rules will be effective from 12 noon on September 23.
In addition, in any case, a maximum of 72 hours before boarding the plane before arriving in Saudi Arabia is required to register for the PCR negative test and the Muqeem portal.