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LinkedIn is shutting down in China

Microsoft will shut down their social network LinkedIn in China. The reason for this is the challenging operating environment. However, Microsoft has announced that only job apps will be used without the social networking feature.

According to a report in the British newspaper The Guardian, Microsoft says tightening controls on Beijing’s technology companies have made it difficult to manage the challenging operating environment there, which is why they will shut down LinkedIn in China.

Mohawk Shroff, senior vice president of engineering at Microsoft, said the US-based company would replace the career-based social networking app with an application dedicated to applying for jobs in China. However, it will not have the networking feature.

“We are facing significantly more challenging operating environments and the need for greater compliance in China,” he said in a blog post on Thursday (October 14th).

According to the Wall Street Journal, LinkedIn was given a deadline by Chinese Internet regulators to better monitor the site’s content.

Shroff says Microsoft will launch a site called LinkedIn in China called Inbus. Where professionals from that country will be connected with the job search agencies. Basically that’s just the job version. 

Launched in China in 2014, LinkedIn, which allows people to use personal and professional relationships to find jobs, will not include social feed or share or post articles in their new version. 

Note that Microsoft bought LinkedIn in 2016 for only 26 billion. But despite concerns about online censorship, it has worked to build a presence in China.


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