
The way the Taliban took control of half of Afghanistan

Most US and NATO troops have already left Afghanistan and returned home. With this opportunity, after 20 long years, the Taliban has risen again. Meanwhile, they have claimed control of half of Afghanistan. In just over two months, the group has been able to force Afghan government forces to retreat.

The BBC reports that the Taliban have taken control of many parts of Afghanistan in the past two months. Which is 2001

A survey by the BBC’s Afghan Service found that Taliban fighters now have a strong presence in many parts of Afghanistan, including Ghazni and Maidan Wardak. In addition, their presence is increasing near Kunduz, Herat, Kandahar and Lashkar Gah. Taking control of an area means that the administrative center, the police station and all government institutions are under the control of the Taliban.

There are allegations that the Taliban harbored top leaders of the militant group al-Qaeda, including Osama bin Laden. The U.S. military launched a military operation in Afghanistan in the wake of the September 11, 2001, terrorist attacks in the United States by al-Qaeda. The Taliban was ousted that year.

Since then, the presence of the international community in Afghanistan has increased. US and NATO troops have taken the initiative to train Afghan government forces. But in the meantime, the Taliban are slowly gaining strength and organizing in remote areas.

The group is already strong in Helmand, Kandahar, Uruzgan, Zabul provinces in the south and south-west-north of the country, and in the mountainous areas of Faryab and Badakhshan in the south. The Taliban are active in many other parts of Afghanistan. The recent attacks indicate that.

The Taliban are now taking control of new areas, not just attacks. As a result, Afghan government forces are fleeing those areas. There is no benefit in deploying additional troops in the areas. Afghan forces have recaptured some areas. Fighting is still going on in a few areas. Which has caused concern.

Areas controlled by the Afghan government are located mainly on the plains and along rivers. There is also a large population. And the area under Taliban control is sparsely populated.

Violence has escalated in the country in the past two months. Numerous civilians have been killed. According to the United Nations, a record 1,700 people have been killed in various forms of violence in Afghanistan in the first six months of this year.

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