
Four ways to avoid heartburn!

Many of us have occasional heartburn. Especially if you eat extra food, eat fat / spicy food, change your eating schedule and take some medicine. This is considered normal.

But if you book twice a week or more, you may find that you have gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD / JARD). Jared is a condition in which the muscles at the bottom of the esophagus become so relaxed that digestive acid rises from the stomach to the top, causing heartburn. Over time, the esophagus is damaged, leading to ulcers, scar tissue, and Barrett’s esophagus. Here are some effective ways to prevent heartburn.

Reduce stimulant foods: Try to reduce the number of foods that irritate the heart. Some of the foods associated with heartburn are acidic foods, fatty foods, spicy foods, bubbly drinks, alcohol and chocolate. It can also affect other foods. Austin Chiang, a gastroenterologist at Thomas Jefferson University Hospital, said: “Food sensitivity can vary from person to person.” Now, if you experiment with each food, you will be able to understand for yourself which food is a stimulant for your heartburn.

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Eat less food: Eating food in the stomach increases the chances of stomach acid rising in the esophagus. So when you sit down to eat, you have to curb the urge to overeat. In addition, you need to eat slowly, chew food well and give time to the stomach to digest food. This habit will also help to lose weight. Studies have shown that being overweight increases the risk of jaundice.

Not sleeping after eating: Many people fall asleep right after eating. Studies have shown that those who fell asleep as soon as they ate were more prone to heartburn. Stomach acid can easily enter the esophagus if you lie down immediately after eating. So eat three hours before going to bed.

Rest and Relax: Stress and anxiety stimulate the release of hormones that make the esophagus more sensitive to the symptoms of jaundice. Practice the method of relaxation that you like and get enough sleep. Research has shown that lack of sleep can exacerbate the symptoms of jaundice.


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