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How to read a message without ‘seen’ on Whatsapp

It is also possible to avoid online writing on status from online on WhatsApp and thus continue the conversation with someone. Today’s Buzz tips on how to keep online status off online.

First you have to go to WhatsApp and turn on the notification option. In that case, if any message is received on WhatsApp, it will appear on the top screen of the mobile phone. You can chat from there. If anyone has a problem with this option, there is another way.

You need to download the ‘WhatsApp Bubble for Chat’ app from the Google Play Store on your mobile phone. If you talk to someone through this app, it will not show online.

There is an easier way. If you do not want to show the answer to a message online, then you have to turn off the internet connection of the phone first after receiving that message. After that you have to go to WhatsApp and answer. You need to get out of WhatsApp completely and turn on the internet connection again. Then your message will reach the specified address but will not show you online.


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