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Volkswagen will use Azure to build self-driving cars

Volkswagen will use Microsoft Azure to build their self-driving cars . This is another achievement of Microsoft that they are also entering the self-driving car market.

Microsoft is keen to enter the self-driving car market, but has no expertise in car design and construction. While they may not be able to design cars, smart cars can provide the rear brain. Volkswagen is reportedly interested in using Microsoft services for their own vehicles.

Reuters spread the news of this partnership. Volkswagen is helping Microsoft enter the world of self-driving cars.

It is worth mentioning that Volkswagen owns several separate car companies such as Audi, Porshe, and Lamborghini. The problem was, the engineers at each company were designing self-driving on their own routes instead of sharing information with each other.

To solve this, Volkswagen put all its driver engineers in a large group called Car.Software. The goal was for the group to come together to create a single smart car platform that Volkswagen could use for all its vehicles.

But still different engineers in Car.Software use different platforms to develop their code. And to give everyone a chance to work together, Volkswagen wants to use Microsoft’s services.

This does not mean that Volkswagen ‘s cars will run on Windows 10 operating system. Microsoft has a platform called Azure, designed to connect Internet of Things (IoT) devices.

It is already known that, according to the latest published Microsoft ‘s earnings report, the most profitable companies in the epidemic are through their Azure. If their deal with Volkswagen is finalized, it’s hard to imagine how much Microsoft will benefit.

Microsoft Azure has already become one of Microsoft’s money makers. The company has done well enough positioning in this sector. It is rumored that Cruise and their self-driving cars will use Azure in technology. If the two companies can successfully use Microsoft’s IoT platform, then Microsoft will be one of the competitors in the next automobile market.

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